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How to press a wool suit?

Generally, ironing a wool suit will shorten the lifespan - however, on a low temperature with distilled water and a clean iron, it’s possible to do so without excessive damage. Go over the suit with a single pass, hang for 20 minutes, then do so again. This will allow the fabric to settle.

How to repair moth holes in a wool suit?

Generally it’s best to take your suit to a dry cleaners, who have specialist equipment to ensure the suit is properly treated - however, fusible bonding webs are available to fix small holes, nicks and tears in the garment - which we find far more effective than darning.

How to remove oil stain from a wool suit?

A dry cleaner will be most effective at clearing oil stains, but using vinegar, dishwashing soap and water can have great results. Mix 1 part white vinegar, 1 part dish soap and 6 parts water, brush it onto the suit and tap into the fabric with a clean brush. Wait a few minutes, then dab with a dry white towel, blot with a wet white towel and dry it off with another dry one. This will clean most surface stains.

How to clean a wool suit?

Most wool suits are dry clean only, and we’d recommend always following these instructions. A wool suit should look its best for any occasion and a dry cleaning always brings good results.

What is a worsted wool suit?

Most modern suits use Worsted wool - a finer, sleeker and smoother fabric than traditional tweed suits. This is why a high end wool suit often looks smoother than typical wool fabrics.